Amazon has some requirements and restrictions for having multiple accounts. According to Amazon’s policy, each individual or business can only create one seller account. This means that an individual or business can only use one account to sell goods. If multiple accounts are found to belong to the same individual or business, Amazon may take steps to limit or ban the use of these accounts.

Selling policies and seller code of conduct

All sellers are expected to adhere to the following policies when listing products on Amazon. Seller offenses and prohibited content can result in suspension of your Amazon account.

Seller code of conduct

This policy requires that sellers act fairly and honestly on Amazon to ensure a safe buying and selling experience. All sellers must:

  • Provide accurate information to Amazon and our customers at all times
  • Act fairly and not misuse Amazon’s features or services
  • Not attempt to damage or abuse another seller, their listings or ratings
  • Not attempt to influence customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews
  • Not send unsolicited or inappropriate communications
  • Not contact customers except through Buyer-Seller Messaging
  • Not attempt to circumvent the Amazon sales process
  • Not operate more than one selling account on Amazon without a legitimate business need
  • Not engage in conduct that violates price fixing laws

Violating the code of conduct or any other Amazon policies may result in actions against your account, such as cancellation of listings, suspension or forfeiture of payments, and removal of selling privileges.

Amazon imposes such requirements primarily to maintain a level playing field in the marketplace and to avoid the use of multiple accounts to commit fraud, price fixing, or other improper behavior. In addition, by limiting each individual or business to only one account, Amazon can better manage and monitor sellers’ activities to ensure the quality and reliability of products and services.

However, what should you do if you have more than one account to use?

MuLogin is a powerful cross-border e-commerce multi-store management tool that can help sellers easily create and manage stores on Amazon, eBay, and other cross-border e-commerce platforms. Let’s take a look at this tool today.

MuLogin Antidetect Browser can help sellers effectively prevent account association problems, and after the account is associated, MuLogin can isolate the account and related information through multiple technical means to prevent sellers from repeatedly operating the same store, thus effectively protecting sellers’ account security. In addition, MuLogin Antidetect Browser has some basic functions to help sellers operate their stores better.

MuLogin Antidetect Browser also helps sellers quickly create complex multi-store management tasks such as multiple stores, accounts, stores, etc. MuLogin Antidetect Browser not only helps sellers to quickly create multiple stores but also disassembles these complex management tasks, so that sellers can complete these complex store management tasks more easily. Supports creating and managing multiple cross-border e-commerce platform accounts; supports creating and deleting multiple Amazon accounts in MuLogin; supports creating and deleting multiple eBay accounts in MuLogin Antidetect browser.

New users can try it for free for three days!